Massage therapy is growing as an alternative treatment for pain and other medical issues. Massage can effectively decrease pain, increase flexibility and range of motion by treating tight and strained muscles. Among many other benefits of massage are stress reduction and relaxation. Massage therapy is more than just a way to pamper away your stress, it is a powerful tool that can help you take control of your pain and well-being. Quality of living can be influenced by the science and art of massage therapy.

Eir specializes in therapeutic massage, embracing benefits of massage beyond relaxation, addressing tight muscles to improve posture and movement to manage and eliminate pain.

Therapy sessions are tailored to the clients needs and individual situations. I take your pain seriously and am continually seeking education to serve you better. Eir Massage Therapy can help you reduce pain, recover quicker, and make your life your own.


90 Minute Massage
Hot Stones +$15
30 Minute Massage
On-Site Event
Base Fee of $25
Kinetic Taping
Price May Vary

Located by Ross Park in Pocatello, ID 83204